Thursday, 20 August 2015

Update #3 - Literature Review

Before we start creating our programme, we search for some references so that it can help us create the programme much easier. As stated, here are some of the references we are able to use to guide us:

1. About: GPA-CGPA
This website contains very useful informations in regards to our project such as, the calculation of GPA and CGPA. It also provide some examples of calculated grades as a means to guide us. Other than that, the website also contain about the history of grading and the usage of GPA and CGPA.

2. Tkinter 8.5 Reference: a GUI for Python
This very well detailed technical journal describes about the Tkinter widget set for constructing graphical user interfaces (GUI) in Python. It will provide us with some useful tips about making GUI. As we are making a not so complex programme, we will only use certain widgets and not all as some of them are hard to use

Update #2 - New Project

Initially, we decided to do a 'Random Password Generator' programme but after making some research, the programme itself was overly simplified. Therefore, now we decide to create a 'GPA Calculator' after discussing with our lecturer.

The primary feature of the GPA Calculator is to accurately calculate the total GPA of a student's as it can reduce the time spent calculating manually by the person in charge of calculating the GPA. Our programme will have simple interface, easy to use and user friendly as we hope it will be. We will focus the core structure of the programme first. Only after finishing it, only then we will create the user interface using either Tkinter or HTML.